"Susan Boyle is now following your tweets on Twitter."
Waaaaaaaaaaa.........?!!! THE Susan Boyle?! I wanted to say, "What in the ruddy hell...?!" but it seemed quite inappropriate for a blog. So I settled down to "What in the Whole Wide World (to be referred to as WWW in the future) does following your tweets mean?!"
"What kind of social-networking site makes Stalking legal ?!", I seethed with anger. "And that too, from Susan Boyle?!" (It wasn't really her, I later realized to my utter horror and dismay :( Susan Boyle on my tail.. Boy! What a Dream I Dreamed).
I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
And so, I re-directed the question to my very-knowledgeable and higly reliable source, Sagar. I found him online, and decided on the spot its better now than later. How do I start, I wondered.
"I dont like this twitter much ", I began predictably.
"I love twitter!", he replied. I sat up on my chair.
"Why? What's so interesting about it?" I wanted to know.
"I am following some people who have really interesting tweets. Shashi Tharoor, Barkha Dutt, Amit Verma.. I'm following them." he answered.
"And how do u know they're the real ones?" I demanded.
"They are. Atleast these are." he responded. Oh very well, thank you. I just have to rely on the face value of these profiles and their tweets. And what's with the noun "tweets"? Birds tweet. People, unfortunately, don't. Why not call them "chirps" then?
"Check out some Bollywood stars. You can google Bollywood stars on twitter, maybe u can find some news article on them." he advised. These, I'm afraid, are the last people whose lives least interest me. So, I decided to ignore that piece of suggestion.
But it did give me an idea. There are certain people I'm certainly very interested in. Like Ant and Dec, my idols. I poked around, and found their twitter profiles. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be fascinated by twitter much either.
"There! Drop this nonsense now and get on with your life. This is just e-loafing. A complete waste of time!" the wiser me admonished my not so wise self.
But one look at my friend's tweets made me change my perception completely. Come to think of it, I always wanted to find out information and latest technology from the WWW (Whole Wide World, remember?) and tell it what I know or think, and the funny side of everything.
"Yes yes. Show-off. Only you don't know any sort of information on any kind of technology. And you certainly don't see the funny side of that-many-things. The only things you can see are in the field view of a key-hole!", the not-so-wiser me made a wise-crack.
And so began a hot debate on whether to start "twitter"ing or not between the Wise Me (WM) and the Not-so-very-Wise-Me (NWM).
WM: Maybe. But I could start now. You know, with productive friends, Twitter could be highly productive.
NWM: Ah! The words "Twitter" and "productive" don't go much together, my friend. According to Wikipedia, most of Twitter's content, making up to 40% of tweets is "pointless babble".
WM: Well, doesn't that means the rest 60%, which is also the majority, is NOT pointless babble then?
NWM: Uh. Well, yes, one could argue that. Tell me, what exactly is this twitter?
WM: Well, it's a social networking site where people tweet each other.
NWM: And why would you want to "tweet", considering that you are very-abled homo-sapien?
WM: Well, unlike you, there are many people out there who have very interesting things to say. And it would be fun getting to know what exactly people think. It's also a chance to show the WWW (Whole Wide World, in case you forgot) how interesting you are. Do you know we can talk to celebs one-on-one here, and not feel inferior about it?
NWM: Well, first of all, as interesting as I might be, why should I let the world know what I think? I like to keep my thoughts and actions to myself, thank you.
WM: Because if they are interesting the others would like to know. As similar as you like finding out interesting stuff from other people.
NWM: Agreed. But why would I want to talk to celebrities? And, how can I be sure if the tweets are from the authentic celebs?
WM: Does it matter? Celebrities or not, they share the same planet with you and they very much appreciate anything interesting or informative.
NWM: Duh!! Haven't you heard of Lindsay Lohan? Paris Hilton?!
WM: OK. What are the odds of you coming across Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton?
NWM: Uhmm.. Next to a hundred million, I think.
WM: I rest my case.
NWM: Alright, but what are YOU going to do on twitter? You're neither interesting nor informative.
WM: Well, I think the use of Twitter will change all that.
NWM: I think it'll change you into a complete nonsensical-senselessly time wasting-egotistical-irksome-prat!
WM: And.. How different is that from now?
NWM: Yeah. True. Not much. But why would you want to make that public? (Hmm.. A wise question. Like they say, even a stopped clock is right twice in a day)
WM: Well, If the world thinks that way, so be it. I am who I am. N I ain' changin me self for 'ny one.
NWM: Don't you think you'll waste a lot of time on it and become one of the 40% pointless babblers? Or worse, what if you get addicted? (That's 2 in a row! Time to get stupid, again)
WM: Yeah. You're right. I trust you'll keep a check on me.
NWM: Yes. As I must.
WM: So, should we start "twitter"ing then?
NWM: Only if you promise me you'll remember you're not a bird. (There! Oh.. you're sooo not wise)
WM: I promise. That was smart though, thinking of the troubles i could get into using Twitter. You're a wise chick.
NWM: Yes. I am indeed.
Wait, now that's got me confused. Which one of me is wiser?
WM: Well, that was one good thing you did since October 4th 2009 - joining Twitter.
ReplyDeleteNWM: Ahuh. And succesfully turned into a "complete nonsensical-senselessly time wasting-egotistical-irksome-prat."
WM: Look here.. Don't be wise. It doesn't suit you.
NWM: Oh yeah? Who are YOU then, popinjay?
*sigh* The confused battle continues...